November 4, 2005

"Selamat Idul Fitri 1426 H
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin"

Lebaran neeeh! hehehe... mohon maaf ya teman2 sayang, atas semua dosa dan kesalahan gw yang banyaaak itu.. maklumlah...
Karena sesungguhnya segala di dunia adalah sementara, kecuali perubahan dan dosa manusia...

hmm lebaran gw standar2 aja, gak ada yg spesial dan aneh2,, dari malem takbiran gw sekeluarga ke ciawi, ke tempat majelis ta'lim kluarga gw, trus nginep disana, dan salat ied disana juga.. abis ituu yaaa keliling jakarta, pertama ke cipinang deket otista (ngelewatin bukit duri tanjakan. damn. will i ever got anywhere far away from that place?? it's Idul Fitri, for heaven's sake.), abis itu ke bekasi, ke 3 rumah gitu de. rumah yg terakhir, yg di kompleks taman galaxi, emang rumah yg selalu paling lama dikunjungin, tapi sayangnya gw cuma disitu sekitar dua jam, karna ortu gw udah capek gt.. :(

di rumah terakhir itu, tebak gw ngapain? nonton South Park the Movie.


iya, South Park.

Kan nyampah?


Huahahaha.... tapi tu film kocak banget, gw ngakak2 nontonnya.. dvd-nya punya sodara gw, dan sodara gw yg satu itu emang selalu punya yg 'aneh2' buat ditunjukin, hehe. pokoknya pasti seru deh kalo kesana, walaupun cuma nonton tv tapi bawaannya seru aja, heheh.

gw gak inget judul filmnya apa, tapi yg jelas tentang pengaruh sebuah film dengan tokoh Terrence dan Phillip (T&P) yg ANCUUR banget!! (with capital letters) full of swearings and LOW attitude, hahah. ceritanya anak2 kecil tokoh South Park(cartman, kenny, syapa lagi ya?? lupa, tapi ada empat orang kalo gak salah) nonton film yg pemainnya namanya T&P, dan stelah mereka nonton tu film, mereka keluar bioskop dan langsung ngomong dengan bahasa ancur2an gitu... ehehe. kacau beut dey. segala macem kata2 yg baru gw denger dan bahkan gak ada di lagunya eminem (ahaha) muncul dan disebutin ama tu anak2.

masalahnya muncul waktu mereka mulai make kata2 itu di kelas. hahaha dasar bego. trus gurunya (yang juga ancur) ngaduin mereka ke kepsek, trus nyokap2 mereka dipanggil deh. dan sejak itu nyokap2 tau sebab-musababnya adalah si T&P itu, dan mereka lalu mendeklarasikan PERANG sama T&P, dan juga orang-orang Kanada. kenapa? karna T&P itu notabene buatan Kanada. huahahaha... trus tu nyokap2 muncul di tv, dan memicu perang beneran. tu kartun lucuuuu banget..! lo harus nonton sendiri deh, gak lucu kalo diceritain,, lagu2nya parah abis ancur banget, gak ada sensor deh. hehehe. ada Satan, Saddam Husein, Hitler segala, ada Clinton. kocak deh.

lumayan juga, di rumah sodara itu gw nonton satu film itu dan akhirnya pulang. hari ini gw udah gak ke rumah sodara2 lagi, karna emang udah abis.. jadi jalan2 deh tadii... ke mall klapa gading, dan ada Judika Idol! keren banget penampilannya,, that man is one hell of a performer. kalah telak deh si ferry juara afi I itu,, upss.. maaf. hehehe, gak tahan. suaranya gak ada sembernya, bahasa tubuhnya pas, gak lebih gak kurang. dan yg nonton, banyaaak banget! (ya iyalah, idol gitu) sayangnya, gw cuma bisa nonton bentar, padahal td juga ada monita. tp gw gak terlalu antusias sih nonton dia. dunno why, but i think she's ordinary. *peace to all her fans* tadinya gw ama nyokap mau beli roti BreadTalk, tapi gileee ngantrinya kayak orang ngantri konser, 15 meter ada kali. emang susah ya mau beli roti enak. :( gak jadi beli deh, akhirnya pulang dengan membayangkan Fire Floss sama roti coklat yg gw gak peduli apa namanya tapi enak banget. Hix. Pengen.

abis itu pulang, oiya makan brownies buatan tante gw enaak de, heheh. but to my grief, after the long day i'm still feeling all the same; kinda pissed off, disappointed and sad at the very same time. been happening all day. since yesterday, actually. really wanna talk about it right here right now, but considering this is a public-viewed blog, i really should think away from it. AAArgh... damn. damn. damn. hoaaahm,, time really flies, it's gettin late.. think i'm checking out now,, gonna go to bed. Catch ya guys later!!

October 14, 2005


makes me curious, what kind of future will i live in? it's killing me.

well, as a final-year high school student i'm suffering this dilemma of not (yet) knowing what would i do in my future life. to be precise, this 'future' starts in a year, considering that i will be a college student next year. and the problem is i haven't decided where to go for the study! i've been wanting to study in FKUI (Med School of the University of Indonesia) for the past two years, since i have this personal desire to work as a social worker or someone who serves the country in the direct way, such as the health business (not that the other kinds of business aren't serving the country, i just meant that doctors or medical workers do their jobs directly to their targets of this suffering country).

but i'm so afraid that my dream will only be a dream.. i'm not the smartest girl in the whole school or even in my class, and i don't have that particular expertise in passing most of the school exams just like my boyfriend has, hahaha in fact i got some exam remedials (that's the way my school curriculum goes: there's a passing grade for all exams and we can do remedials if our grade doesn't pass) at the last exam..

not that i haven't been trying... i studied hard, you know. (here goes the whining) ok stop it! too, i have taken a course for the SPMB preparation, which was called BTA. this course holds three tryouts every semester, and we've done the first one around last September. my grade was 37%,, and FYI the passing grade of FKUI last year was 65%. isn't that pretty close?? hahaha...talking about being sarcastic. but it's only the first tryout!!! i still got about a year to study for that 28% gap, right!? hahaha...

i'm having difficulty in choosing my second option for the SPMB, really. it's like my ONLY option is to become a doctor, but it's punching me in the head thinking that the struggle in studying in that school is really, really hard. my mother's friend's daughter told me mam that her life has become something that sounded like studying-life. she has to study everyday, unless she will be far behind her friends (NO!!!). oh god, can i do that??? i'm not that diligent student that study every night or a study-freak....

WHAT SHOULD I DO?? it's becoming stressful, really.. i'll be writing about this again in no time,, hahaha...

October 11, 2005


Hehe.. still remember me? bet u've forgotten that i've got this blog here.... yes, is back!! with the new layout, new concept, but unfortunately still the same author... :D

hmm... my life have not changed much,, but there's one tiny difference effecting my life hugely now.. well as some of you know i was member of the Student Council in my school, where i got the job as Second Secretary. there were 16 of us working together for my school and the whole school community, and i really enjoyed doing my work! hehe though i almost got no leisure time for myself, remembering that i also got my 'obligations' as a student. =(

but our working days has ended, at last... on September 26th we gave our final report of the past year programs to our supervisor PK and DPO, and to my relief, it went so well and we didn't get any big problems,, yay!! :D and two days later on the 28th we gave our seats to our juniors, who will replace us as the members of the Student Council... it was both happy and sad moment,, *sob* we really hope they will do better than us and serve the best for the whole school. Keep the spirit PO XLI!!!

and my life has changed pretty much ever since. i don't have to go to the Council Room every breaktime, and i don't have to write those LETTERS anymore,, hahaha.... but i misssss those tiiiimmeeeee..!!!!! *sob sob* i think i got that syndrome of not having the old habits anymore... hehehe...

but it was one hell of a year!!! PO eXtraLarge,, i loveeeeeeee u guys!!!!! :)))