January 18, 2007

Listening to: Beegees - How Deep Is Your Love
Feeling: Slightly disappointed
In the mood for: Crying
Adoring: Nobody. No one. Nothing.

I'm a bit sad. Don't know why, but really. I am hurt, deep inside my heart.

Gw sekarang di rumah.. Udah jam segini (10 menit menuju jam 2 pagi) tapi gw belum kepengen tidur... Kenapa yaa? Akhir-akhir ini gw susah tidur, udah kira-kira 2 minggu ini.. Awalnya gw kira karena tegang soal UAS-UAS dan nilai-nilai akhir gw (which is neither horrible nor great, it was just ok and I'm not satisfied about it), tapi sekarang semua nilai udah keluar dan ngga punya beban apa-apa lagi, tinggal menikmati liburan... Kenapa gw masih susah tidur..? Apakah gw insomnia..?

Well... I've not-so-importantly browsed a few about "insomnia", and these are the facts I've gathered, courtesy of Wikipedia.com:

Insomnia is characterized by an inability to sleep and/or to be incapable of remaining asleep for a reasonable period. Insomniacs typically complain of being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a
time. Both organic and nonorganic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder.

It is often caused by fear, stress, anxiety, medications, herbs, caffeine or sometimes for no apparent reason.

An overactive mind or physical pain may also be causes.
Finding the underlying cause of insomnia is usually necessary to cure it.

Some of the most common causes are:

..... Bla bla.....

Lack of exercise - Exercise makes people tired/sleepy.

Darn it. Otak gw ngga segitu aktifnya sampe loncat-loncat di trampolin, orang lagi liburan. Gw udah berentiin minum kopi sejak UAS selesai (waktu itu tiap malem minum kopi), gw ngga lagi stres, gw ngga lagi dalam pengobatan apa-apa.


This reliable source helped me conclude that this disease I'm suffering from is merely caused by "no apparent reason". Gyahahahaha...

Yg paling masuk akal adalah... Karena gw ngga pernah olahraga "beneran". Olahraga gw selama liburan ini adalah jalan kaki dari Ganesa ke LFM ("jauh" banget) dan senam mulut karena ketawa mulu, hahaha. Parah emang.

Atau sebenernya gw masih setres tapi ngga nyadar? Padahal beberapa hari ini kerjaan gw nyampah mulu, ngga ngapa-ngapain, paling banter ngedit detail info lagu koleksi mp3 gw (itu udah paling penting)... Sisanya nyampah di LFM, makan-makan bareng, nonton bareng, pulang malem sampe dijutekin bapak penjaga gerbang... Itu ajah.

Jadi kenapa gw ngga bisa tidur?

Mungkin belum direstui aja kali ya...

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